First let's start by thanking the estimated 300 "Streakers" walking around out there for their support and commitment to our Streak for Cancer campaign! In 2+ short weeks, you have helped us make a strong statement about how much you care for those afflicted with cancer.
Our campaign's focus during the month of April is Leukemia and Lymphoma recognized by the colour burgundy. (Even though you can get whatever colour you want and donate to whichever organziation you wish any time throughout the campaign.) As many of you know, I was diagnosed with Lymphoma last year, along with more than 8,000 other Canadians. I had the honour of sharing this on Roger’s Television (“Inside Guelph” with Trish Stevenson, Cable 20) this past Monday. Jay and Nitsa Cozzarin of Eros Hair Studio, also shared their story of Lucas, their 5 year old nephew who is currently being treated with Leukemia. Even though Leukemia makes up for almost 1/2 of the childhood cancers, 40 years ago there was only a 5% chance of surviving. Today there is a 90% chance of survival beyond 5 years of diagnosis/treatment. It's great news!
Lucas, even though we have not yet met, you are my hero! Your Uncle Jay and Aunt Nitsa have shared with me your great attitude and determination – love your pictures too! I can't wait to meet you at Jessica's Footprint in June!
I have also been hearing how many are travelling from out of town just to be part of the movement here in
On Sunday April 17th at the Delta Guelph Hotel, the "You Deserve it! Woman's Show - It's All About YOU!" will be held. Tranquil Body Solutions will be supporting Streak for Cancer at their table by offering our streaks to those in attendance, and we are encouraging folks to check it out and get streaked!
Now don't forget, we have 11 and a 1/2 months to keep the ball rolling for our campaign! We have some great events we will be participating in through April, May and June. We can't lose our momentum! Please take the time to tell 2 friends about Streak for Cancer. Have them follow us on facebook or here on our blog and keep informed about our campaign. We rely on word of mouth to get our campaign out there.
If you are streaking now, thank you! Next month we will focus on Brain Cancer. My sister-in-law and her family have been coping with this for many years now, and she has been doing great! She and my brother have been instrumental in bringing the Spring Sprint for Brain Tumour Research here to Guelph ...but that's for my next post!
Thanks for your support! Keep up the great work!
It’s Grayt 2 b me!